Rishi Dastidar
Rishi is a member of Malika’s Poetry Kitchen and a The Complete Works fellow. A runner-up in the 2011 Cardiff International Poetry Competition and the 2014 Troubadour Poetry Prize, his work has most recently featured in 2014’s Ten: The New Wave (Bloodaxe). He is currently part of The Rialto / Poetry School’s editorial development programme.
Mark Fi
Mark has just published the collection The Chelsea Flower Show Massacre with Templar Poetry.
His work has been recognised in a number of international prizes from the Philip Larkin, John Clare, Gregory O’Donoghue and Charles Causley competitions to Wasafiri and the Frogmore Papers. Last year, he also published a children’s adventure novel The Curse of the Golden Hinde.
Musa Okwonga
Musa Okwonga is a poet, journalist, football writer, musician and social commentator. A lawyer by training, he is the author of two books, ‘A Cultured Left Foot’ and ‘Will You Manage?’.